Table-Based Assisted Stretching

Fascial Stretch Therapy™ is very effective and gentle style of assisted table-based stretching.  FST is a neuro-myofascial therapy that treats your nervous system, fascial system (connective tissue), and muscular system.  This integrative therapy is unlike any style of stretching that you have ever experienced before.  This is why people like Tim Ferris (The Four-Hour Workweek) have stated that,

“After one hour of FST I left the clinic with more hip mobility than I’d experienced in a decade.”

A typical session involves laying on your back on a soft table with one leg comfortably strapped in place while your other leg is taken through its full range of motion.  Most people are not taking their body through a full range of motion on a regular basis and report that they haven’t been able to touch their toes in years – for example.  Yet, within minutes they are able to touch their toes and access ranges of motions that they thought were now inaccessible because of their age or restricted based on prior injures.

After getting off the table you will feel lighter, more mobile, and literally years younger – able to perform at your best physically.

Unlike stretching that attempts to isolate and stretch specific muscles, fascial stretch therapy (FST) targets fascia, the connective tissue found in, around, and between joints. To stretch the fascia, a certified FST therapist gently pulls then moves the legs, arms, spine, and neck in a smooth motion at various angles to remove pressure between joints, release joint-lubricating synovial fluid, and improve flexibility of muscles. The function of muscles cannot be separated from the movement of fascia.

Fascial Stretch Therapy for Runners

“Watch a group of elite runners warming up and you won’t see any of them bending over trying to reach their toes. Instead, you’ll see athletes moving their bodies to improve their range of motion, increase flexibility, and guard against injury. Stretching has progressed to a more functional, dynamic method.  Runners tell us that after the first FST session they move with more ease and feel stronger and faster.  Runners using FST also report increased stride length, less pain and tightness, and faster recovery. It helps runners of all levels perform better.” – Stretch to Win

Fascial Stretch Therapy San Diego
Fascial Stretch Therapy

Facts about Fascia

  • Fascia is the most prevalent tissue in the body yet it is the least understood by your doctor, therapist and trainer.
  • The health and function of all joints and muscles are a direct result of the condition of your fascia.
  • Healthy circulation in your muscles, joints, arteries, brain and spinal cord is dependent on flexibility of your fascia.
  • There is NO medication that can improve your fascia.
  • There is NO supplement that can optimize your fascia.
  • Exercise alone does not optimally balance, align, and improve your fascia.

Effects of Untreated Fascia

  • Decreased joint space can lead to degenerative joint disease, osteoarthritis and more.
  • Increased muscle tone can lead to trigger points, strain, tendonitis, tears and more.
  • Increased nervous tissue tone can lead to headaches, trigger points, muscle tightness and more.
  • Increased scar tissue formation

“Your fascia reacts to all stress – physical, mental and emotional – by tightening & stiffening. Since fascia covers everything from all of your organs to the circulatory system to the brain & nervous system to the musculoskeletal system and more, your whole body is at risk to react to stress by tightening & stiffening. When your fascia is left unattended to, aging of the body, mind & spirit accelerates, function decreases & quality of life deteriorates” – Stretch to Win