
Rehabilitative Exercise
Rehabilitative Exercise

Rehabilitative exercise empowers runners to restore competency in running form and in the seven fundamental movement patterns. Eliminate muscle imbalances, limited range of motion, and movement dysfunctions. The exercises utilized are based upon the principles laid out by the most potent schools of rehabilitation.

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Fascial Stretch Therapy San Diego
Fascial Stretch Therapy™

Table-Based Assisted Stretching Fascial Stretch Therapy™ is very effective and gentle style of assisted table-based stretching. FST is a neuro-myofascial therapy that treats your nervous system, fascial system (connective tissue), and muscular system. This integrative therapy is unlike any style of stretching that you have ever experienced before.

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The Runners Repairman San Diego
Running Assessment

Schedule your free introductory running assessment. Includes a comprehensive movement assessment, assisted stretching, and an at home three week rehabilitative exercise program. Experience profound changes in minutes and long lasting gains in strength and flexibility by enhancing your stabilization and diaphragm function.

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Free Running Assessment

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  • “I’m finally moving in the right direction. I resolved my Achilles tendon injury and eliminated my joint pain and stiffness”

    Joann S.
  • “After working with Kevin my chronic hamstring pain disappeared allowing me to sprint for the first time in 18 months. My 45lb overhead squat limitation also improved to a 165lb personal record.”

    Randy M.
  • “For the first time in years I was able to run without pain – I was amazed how great I felt after running five miles yesterday. In my opinion Kevin is one of the top experts in understanding human movement and what runners need to get the best results from their training.”

    Jake P.
  • “After herniating a disc in my lower back two years ago and doing extensive physical therapy with only some improvement, I decided to go to Kevin. I am now playing competitive tennis and just did a triathlon.” 

    Chuck W.
The Runners Repairman