Traditional methods that aim to increase flexibility often only focus on improving range of motion without developing active control of that new range. 

Most runners who stretch on their own, attend yoga classes, and perform self-myofascial release (foam rolling) often experience temporary gains in range of motion – only to lose that newfound flexibility within a few short days.

This method of mobility training bridges the gap between increasing range of motion and permanently maintaining that newfound range.

“Functional Range Conditioning (FRC®) utilizes the latest advancements in scientific knowledge, combined with tried and tested training methods to increase ones active, useable ranges of motion by simultaneously improving articular mobility, strength/resilience, and neurological control.”

FRC is based on sound scientific principles that explain how forces affect human physiology on a cellular level.  FRC allows for progressive loading of tissues that lead to beneficial cellular adaptations in the connective tissues of the body.

By implementing FRC drills you will notice enhanced joint stability, decreased tightness, and a new level of bodyweight control that translates into all of your movement patterns.

Functional Range Conditioning Benefits

  • Enables permanent gains in range of motion
  • Protects ankle, knee, and hip joints
  • Develops active control of desired movements
  • Safeguards against strains and sprains
  • Strengthens feet, ankles, and lower leg
  • Based on most up-to-date scientific principles
  • Injury prevent via “extra” range around a joint
  • Enhanced mobility of the spine
  • Reverses the aging process – preventing arthritis

Another unique feature of this system is the emphasis on training muscle function in ranges that are typically neglected.  Muscle activation around a particular joint is often trained in the mid-range of a particular movement.

By developing active control in both short and long ranges of a joint position you will have more available range of motion “outside” of a given movement.  This creates a buffer zone – so that when you are playing a sport, weight training, or running – you have extra resiliency around that joint.

Injuries often occur when you stress a joint beyond its typical range of motion.  By expanding the capacity of how a joint can move you will be better equipped to withstand forces that occur during training and competing.  This is especially important to prevent ankle sprains, groin pulls, and knee injuries.

Functional Range Conditioning is one of the most effective methods to bulletproof your joints and develop ranges of motion that safeguard against injuries.