Transform how you move in less time than it takes to run a mile

While working with runners and CrossFit athletes in Phoenix Arizona I created a workshop template that outlines the rehabilitative exercise process that I take all of my one-on-one patients through. 

Some of the gyms that have hosted my workshops

This framework includes the key exercises that I use when progressing athletes away from dysfunctional movement patterns to obtaining bodyweight mastery.  The ultimate goal is to help runners maximize their running technique and achieve the stabilization needed for optimal strength development to occur.

My intention was to not only introduce the key exercises and concepts that I felt every athlete should grasp – but to provide a framework for understanding why certain exercises were utilized and give a broad picture of the entire treatment process.

This understanding of exercise progression is what empowers runners with the ability to create long term changes in strength, movement quality, and flexibility.

Workshop Benefits

  • Identify and correct muscle imbalances
  • Maximize control of full ranges of motion
  • Eliminate low back, hip, and knee pain
  • Achieve better weight transfer between sides
  • Eliminate asymmetries that perpetuate injuries
  • Understand when corrective exercises are needed
  • Pre and post run self-assessments and resets
  • Better breathing and spinal stabilization

Workshops are generally two hours in length and centered around the following five topics…

#1: Framework for Optimizing and Maintaining Quality Movement

Understanding how a corrective exercise can improve range of motion or enhance stability empowers athletes with the ability to know why and when to select a particular exercise.

Expanding your vocabulary of movement requires knowledge of the building blocks of movement.  By breaking larger macro movements down into their micro components, you will understand the difference between a well-executed movement pattern and a movement performed with compensation.

This understanding of micro and macro movements translates into proficiency of each of the seven basic movement patterns.  The basic concepts of breathing, stabilization, and joint-centration will allow you to also get more out of your workouts and accessory training that supports running.

By understanding the three planes that movement occurs in you will be able to put together a quick and effective warmup sequence that will prepare you for your run-in minutes.

#2: Smarter and More Efficient Ways of Improving Flexibility

Many traditional stretches and foam rolling exercises have much better alternatives that deliver better results in less time.  You will learn alternatives to foam rolling, how to integrate activation into mobility drills, and avoid overstretching in the process.

By utilizing simple self-assessments, you will be able to test the effectiveness of your corrective exercises right after performing them. 

You will be able to achieve a full toe touch, squat, and full range of motion in other key movements – in minutes – despite how long it has been since you have actually been able to touch your toes.

Knowing how and when to progress exercises will prevent you from wasting valuable time before your run – when you only have a few minutes to ensure your body is in a neutral position and equipped with the stabilization requirements for prolonged endurance efforts.

#3: Potent Lifestyle Modifications

Simple modifications to regular postural habits are often the missing components in pain elimination and injury resolution.  Many patients I have worked with were able to eliminate low back pain just by changing their pillow or mattress.  Sometimes the wrong footwear is the habitual driver of movement dysfunctions.

Normal human asymmetry predisposes us to favoring our right side.  Leg length discrepancies, SI joint pain, and conditions like plantar fasciitis are often due to this right-side dominance.  By changing how you position your office chair, monitor, and integrating reaching activities that encourage alternating trunk rotation – you can help reset your alignment throughout the day.

Breathing exercises to normalize diaphragm function can easily be incorporated into your day which will have profound implications for how you feel and perform.

Another factor that perpetuates asymmetries and recurring injuries is gym training that relies too heavily upon bilateral movements.  While squats, deadlifts, pullups, pushups, and bench pressing are good movements for strength development these bilateral movements require accessory exercises to reset the pelvis and ribcage so that you can maintain the movement variability that is required for running.

#4: Enhancing Rest and Recovery

While not every athlete is able to get eight hours of sleep every night – there are a number of simple sleep hacks that you can implement to maximize muscle growth, repair, and recovery.

Nutrition strategies to optimize joint health, immune function, and recovery will be briefly covered.  Whether you are trying to build lean muscle or lose a few pounds – you will learn simple dietary modifications to achieve your goals.

This includes an overview of the gut microbiome, anti-inflammatory strategies, and how to use intermittent fasting to encourage detoxification on a cellular level.

#5: Assessments, Techniques, Exercises

The hardest part of becoming a better runner, CrossFitter, or athlete is finding time to implement new exercises and program them effectively into your schedule.

You will discover how to apply the minimum effective dose when it comes to exercise selection and progression.  By doing less exercises that deliver a greater return on investment you will be able to save time and obtain long lasting results in the process.

By learning to perform quick self-assessments you will be able to select the right exercise for the right reason – whether it’s eliminating hamstring tightness, improving trunk rotation, or eliminating low back pain or sciatica that interferes with training.

Workshop Testimonials

“After taking Kevin’s workshop my chronic hamstring pain disappeared allowing me to sprint for the first time in 18 months. My 45lb overhead squat limitation also improved to a 165lb personal record.” – Randy Mahlerwein (CrossFit Forever Strong Coach)

“The ‘Core-Four’ stretches have dramatically improved my running. The hip tightness is gone.” – Robert Scovill (CrossFit Scottsdale Member)

“After chronic hip pain of 22 years improved in one-hour. Kevin explained to me why I was in pain, which no one else was able to do.” – Lois Hansen

“Every time I engage in movement now my knees don’t grind and my whole body is engaged.” – Michael Taylor

“After Kevin’s workshop I passed my Level 2 Fitness Test. Stretching is beneficial now because I know where my restrictions are. Using synchronized breathing and movement has made stretching much more effective.” – Rudy Frame (CrossFit Scottsdale Member)

“Since working with Kevin I passed my Level I Fitness Test, I was named athlete of the month, and I have set multiple personal records in CrossFit competitions.” – Angelica Nguyen (Europa ‘SICest of the Southwest’ Competitor)

“Stretching is not one-size fits all. The assessment that we did helped me identify the two areas I needed to stretch, I got a lot of great tools on stretching them on my own.” – Julie Delaney (Ahwatukee CrossFit Coach)

“I set a personal record in my Snatch last week after doing the ‘Core-Four’ stretches pre-workout for the first time.” – Nathan Atchison (CrossFit Scottsdale Member)

If you are a gym owner and would like to host a workshop please use the contact page to reach out to me.  If you are a local runner or CrossFit athlete that would like your gym to host a workshop please message me with the gym’s contact info.

I will have an ongoing workshop schedule listed at some point.  I am also available for workshops at CrossFit gyms throughout the country please contact me to discuss.