Overcoming Chronic Pain & Injuries

“I’m finally moving in the right direction. I resolved my Achilles tendon injury and my joint pain and stiffness– JoAnn Siros (CrossFit Newbury Park Member)

“After herniating a disc in my lower back two years ago and doing extensive physical therapy with only some improvement, I decided to go to Kevin. I am now playing competitive tennis and just did a triathlon. Kevin is a master in his field.” – Chuck Warshaver

“After chronic hip pain of 22 years improved in one-hour. Kevin explained to me why I was in pain, which no one else was able to do.” – Lois Hansen

“After one-hour I felt lighter on my feet and my range of motion, and posture improved remarkably.” – Helen Cobb

“I have struggled with chronic jaw pain for years.  Despite wearing a mouth guard at night I still had constant tension in my neck and jaw.  Kevin explained to me that the laxity in my hamstrings, ribcage flare, and stressed breathing pattern is what contributes to this type of tension.  After doing one hamstring/core exercise in office and later that day, I spent the next day free of jaw pain for the first time in years.” – Julie Nelson

“After my last session with Kevin three months ago, I haven’t had any of my chronic neck or shoulder pain, none at all.” –Eileen Waldmann

“A neck injury resulted in phrenic nerve damage which caused paralysis of my left diaphragm.  I had a nerve transplant and after 18 months of nerve regeneration, my respiratory therapist evaluated my left diaphragm function at 35%.  Kevin worked with me to train the muscles that support the left diaphragm and I am now at 80% functionality.” – Ed Plum

“I am 39 years old and I have had chiropractic work and massage in the past, but I am now more flexible, stronger and fasterthan I have been in my whole life. – Kenny Aschbacher

“Kevin’s help in rehabbing my shoulder has been more effective than Mayo Clinic Physical Therapy.” – Mary Schwartz

“I tried a whole bunch of other things and nothing worked. Kevin was my last option before getting surgery. Between getting surgery and going to see Kevin, I decided to make the investment. Kevin gave me back my ability to run, my ability to train, he gave me my life back essentially.” – Lucas Thomas

“I have struggled with vertigo for years despite chiropractic adjustments.  After three sessions with Kevin doing core stability and vision exercises my vertigo is now gone.”  – Linda

“Every time I engage in movement now my knees don’t grind and my whole body is engaged.” – Michael Taylor

“After three sessions with Kevin I am now able to hike pain free for the first time in years. The soft-tissue work he did to restore my movement and his shoe wear recommendations made all the difference.” – Carol Cooper

“You have no idea how much you have helped me.  Thank you.  I really appreciate the extra time you spent trying to get my uncoordinated body to function better despite my extensive surgeries and accidents.  I keep the exercise handouts you gave me around the house and they greatly help reduce my pain.” – Cindy Klebba

Improving Sports Performance

“Since working with Kevin I passed my Level I Fitness Test, I was named athlete of the month, and I have set multiple personal records in CrossFit competitions.” – Angelica Nguyen (Europa ‘SICest of the Southwest’ Competitor)

“I began doing triathlon’s four years ago at the age of 46.  I have completed 6 full IRONMAN’s and 4 half IRONMAN races.  I suffered a low-back injury and sciatic nerve irritation while training this year and sought out Kevin’s help.  My sciatica is gone and I am feeling more confident every day, now back to training 15-20 hours per week getting ready for IRONMAN Puerto Rico.” – Stephen Lynch

“This is the closest thing I’ve found to a real, lasting, “silver bullet” in 18 years in fitness– Maceo Jourdan (CrossFit Maricopa Member)

“A few weeks after taking Kevin’s workshop my chronic hamstring pain disappeared allowing me to sprint for the first time in 18 months. My 45lb overhead squat limitation also improved to a 165lb personal record.” – Randy Mahlerwein (CrossFit Forever Strong Coach)

“After a month of improving my flexibility with Kevin I set two personal records in one week in two different lifts.” – Joe Atkielski (CrossFit Scottsdale Member)

“Last week I pressed more weight overhead than I ever thought possible. Flexibility is integral to strength, if you don’t have full range of motion you will not gain strength.” – Bud Hart (CrossFit Scottsdale Member)

“After Kevin’s workshop I passed my Level 2 Fitness Test. Stretching is beneficial now because I know where my restrictions are. Using synchronized breathing and movement has made stretching much more effective.” – Rudy Frame (CrossFit Scottsdale Member)

“For the first time in years I was able to run without pain – I was amazed how great I felt after running five miles yesterday. In my opinion Kevin is one of the top experts in understanding human movement and what CrossFitters need to get the best performance and the best results from their workout.” – Jake Parent (Owner of Tribal CrossFit)

“I’ve utilized Active Release Technique, foam rolling, and massage in the past. However, I haven’t done any long-term work to address global compensation patterns so that I can perform better as an athlete and CrossFit competitor. Working with Kevin has definitely done that for me.” – Luke Kayyem (Owner of CrossFit Scottsdale)

“I set a personal record in my Snatch last week after doing the ‘Core-Four’ stretches pre-workout for the first time.” – Nathan Atchison (CrossFit Scottsdale Member)

“My arm felt better after 15 minutes of stretching with you before my CrossFit competition than it’s felt in months. – Kare Williams (Women’s SicFit Competition Masters Winner)

“Kevin helped me immensely. I was off my feet for six months with injuries and his instruction was a big part of my recoverygetting back to work and training back in the gym – Darren Marinis

“Stretching is actually part of the workout. I worked out five days this week and I am not sore.” – Sarah Sanchez (Ahwatukee CrossFit Member)

“I am amazed by Kevin’s knowledge of how the body moves. He is constantly learning new techniques and incorporating them into his therapies. Kevin’s analysis of his patient’s movement is in-depth and he often identifies what other practitioners miss.” – Ellen Corey (Wellness, Life, and Accountability Coach)

“The ‘Core-Four’ stretches have dramatically improved my running. The hip tightness is gone.” – Robert Scovill (CrossFit Scottsdale Member)

“Thank you for all your help these past months. Your knowledge and dedication are remarkable.” – Patti Pokorski

“Stretching is not one-size fits all. The assessment that we did helped me identify the two areas I needed to stretch, I got a lot of great tools on stretching them on my own.” – Julie Delaney (Ahwatukee CrossFit Coach)